About Us

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A key philosophy of the school, since its establishment, has been that tutors should not only be tertiary qualified, but also actively working in the industry. This allows the student to gain the benefits of the tutors "professional" experiences and up-to-date knowledge of their industry. ...read more

How We Work

Established in 1979, ACS has educated thousands of full and part-time students, many of whom have gone onto successful employment, both in industry or in their own businesses. Others have used their courses to develop a hobby, or simply broaden their general education. We currently have over 2,500 students enrolled around the world. The school operates from the Midlands in the UK, with  staff working out of a number of countries.<...read more


The Careers Guide is administered by: ...read more

Privacy Policy

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Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the ACS Distance Education (ACS) website ("the Site"), which is owned and operated by ACS Distance Education United Kingdom....read more