Nutrition - Improving Knowledge with Short Courses

Many people have a desire to work with people, particularly to assist people who are unwell or suffering. However, such positions have great responsibility and require a person to have an extensive and broad knowledge of general physiology and anatomy and organ systems, as well as more specialist knowledge for their particular job. While many people enrol in university degrees, or advanced diplomas, with the goal of working to help people, they are often unaware of the depth of knowledge they will be required to obtain. There are also a variety of restrictions with formal study, in terms of time, location and pre-requisites.

While most people are aware that correspondence study can be used to overcome physical difficulties such as transport and time, many are not aware of the quality of the health science short courses available through ACS. We offer courses that are designed to be challenging and informative, while encouraging students to not only retain knowledge, but to be able to apply it in industry and professional scenarios. As a private provider, we are not bound by the regulations of the standard training packages and have a flexibility to update our course information rapidly, to ensure you learn up to the minute facts. Our tutors are professionals in the field and will not only provide you with marked assignments, but knowing your goals we are always keen to provide you additional information and guidance at your level, for your specific needs.

Enrolling in our short courses will enable you to gain an understanding of what sort of level of study you will need to undertake to make health/medicine your profession. If you have never studied in this area before, our introductory anatomy and physiology subjects will give you a comprehensive introduction to the human body, its structures and functions. Our nutrition subject not only covers standard nutrients and diet planning, but also gives you an extensive insight into metabolic processes, and the physiology behind digestion. Cell biology will introduce you to the structures, functions and processes carried out in individual cells. All of these subjects will give you an excellent foundation knowledge if you wish to continue to pursue a qualification, as well as getting you accustomed to study.

If you find during your studies that this is not the field for you, then you can do so without incurring the large HECS debts associated with university study, and without sacrificing full time employment.  Short courses generally require 100hrs of study and on completion of the exam, you will have a formal Statement of Attainment to frame.  An excellent addition to your resume, even if you do not decide to pursue a qualification.  However, if your studies fire your passion for the health sciences, you can select further modules and work toward a qualification in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. 

For more information on our health science short courses, please visit our website: