Testimonials from Students who have studied Horticulture with ACS Distance Education

Jose – Horticulture
I am extremely satisfied with my experience of ACS. The educational materials were easy to read and understand. The assignments were very practical and the administrative staff at the office were just superb.
Patrick – Landscape Design
I thought the course was well designed with relevant course modules and information. My tutor’s comments were helpful and encouraging. I am considering what course to do next (diploma in horticulture) so that is a good sign that I am very happy with all aspects of the school.
Lara – Nursery Sales Assistant
I have enjoyed the content of the course, and find it very possible to cope with correspondence learning and having a young, demanding family.
Catherine – Certificate in Horticulture
I have learnt many aspects of Permaculture I didn’t even think of. I understand my land and the environment far better for doing this course. I feel very confident in planning and growing plants for the area.
Dennis Ting, Australia - Certificate in Garden Design
The main difference between my experience of studying at University and studying with ACS is that at University you're basically regurgitating text books. In contrast ACS assignments can be quite involved requiring hands-on application of principles, creative thinking and analysis.
Craig Ledbury, Australia - Turf Repair and Renovation
In my role within a large Aged Care Facility a great deal of my employment is spent in the area of Turf management and garden care/refurbishment. With ACS I was able to study at my own pace allowing me to put into practise and thoroughly research the subject matter broadening my knowledge and study experience further. I enjoyed the way in which the subject matter was presented as it allowed you to study each subject further, allowing for greater depth, clarity and knowledge.
Overall there are not many areas in which the course subject matter will not turn out to be invaluable, everything is covered to allow you to become successful within your own business or place of employment. A big thank you to Gavin Cole [tutor] and all at ACS. It was a pleasure to study with ACS, look forward to further study.
Tom Wood, Australia - Diploma in Horticultural Science
I have found the course to be interesting and challenging, with great learning materials that really make you research the industry and get involved. It has been a great way to study because it has allowed me to work in the industry and study at the same time. I have found the online resources to be fantastic, the tutors feedback constructive and the fact that assignments can be submitted online makes the process so easy.
PLANT courses
Janice – Herb Culture
(The course) has helped me achieve a ‘greener’ thumb. I now have lots more success with my garden. Beforehand, my thumb was the furthest from ‘green’ you could get!
Margaret – Herb Culture
I find this an excellent way to study as I can do it at my own pace.
Lerini – Herb Culture
Thanks ACS, studying with you has been truly rewarding, because of your understanding, helpfulness and devotion to all students. I will certainly use the chance to study again with you!
Malcolm – Plant Breeding
The course provided a convenient opportunity to extend my interest in plant breeding. The structure of the course ensured that the student actually did the set tasks.