Artificial Breeding
Artificial breeding in conjunction with techniques such as improved feed, and disease and pest control, have contributed to the improved quality of livestock in the last 100 years. This discipline is continually improving with more intensive research being undertaken to see further improvement in stock production. It can be a very lucrative business for those farmers who own sought after breeds or lineage. In the dairy cattle industry, farmers can see significant increased milk production through artificial breeding, better quality and quantity of meat in the beef and pork industry and higher yield fleece in the sheep industry.
Job Opportunities
Artificial Breeding Technician - This would be the most common job available in this industry. This person is usually responsible for the collection, handling and storage of semen for breeding programs.
Artificial Breeding Distributor - This person is responsible for managing the distribution of semen collected for breeding programs.
Breeding Manager - Responsible for managing breeding program on site, eg. on the farm. This position would usually require some tertiary education along with experience with the animal breed.
Opportunities may exist with:
Work is available with large and small farms and Herd Improvement Centres focusing on various farm animals including:
Dairy Cattle
Beef Cattle
Remuneration and Advancement
Remuneration in this industry can vary depending on your level of skill, experience and knowledge. Those in positions of managing and coordinating Artificial Breeding programs are going to be paid above average salaries, whereas technicians are more likely to be paid an average salary.
There is possibility for advancement from the position of Technician if you are willing to improve your skills and knowledge. This may mean doing courses to gain additional knowledge or varying your skills.
How to Distinguish Yourself and get Business
As stated above, knowledge and expertise are highly valued qualities in an employee. Even if you do not require the additional knowledge acquired through training for your position, it can help in the future, when you choose to move further up in the industry.
Risks and Stress Rating
Artificial Insemination Technicians working with large animals such as Bulls to collect semen probably have the most dangerous jobs. However, precautions are taken to ensure the safety of those involved.
Working at a higher level in the industry is obviously less dangerous but becomes more stressful with increased responsibility.
If you are working as a consultant, you may need to consider professional indemnity insurance. A Professional Indemnity policy aims to shield the professional's assets in the event of a claim, therefore ensuring that he/she is able to carry on their business.
To minimise risk of liability, you must investigate and learn about the legal and professional requirements and consult with an insurance expert. It is advisable to work through a credible insurance agent recommended by a solicitor, accountant or other credible professional.
Recommended Courses/Career Pathways
Animal Breeding - click here for details
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It is a very lucrative business for those farmers who have sought after breeds or lineage. In the dairy cattle industry, farmers can see significant increased milk production through artificial