Studying with a College in another Country is a bonus for your Job Prospects.
When you study with a globally focused college, such as ACS Distance Education, you will develop a more global perspective; and that fits you better for a global market place -which is where the future of careers is going.
Facts (seen in Study International Magazine, Issue 25):
Studies indicate that studying internationally has a positive impact on a student's career goals, marketable skills and employability.
Over 90% of employers believe students who study outside their country, are likely to have more of the following desirable skills:
- Independance
- Maturity
- Flexibility
- Cultural awareness
- Cross cultural communication skills
58% of students who study internationally are pursuing careers in other countries
Most Colleges Develop Courses in One Country - We Don't!
With the importance if internationally focused studies in mind; ACS have for over 15 years, employed course writers based in both Australia and England; and who have worked in many other countries. Our current staff include nationals from Australia, England, Scotland, New Zealand and Germany. Our affiliated colleges are located in seven different countries. Our students are in almost 200 different countries.
We make a point of having input from many different countries when we develop or revise courses; and from our years of experience, this has given our courses a perspective that is uncommon in courses which are usually only developed in one country -even if taught to people from many.