Develop your capacity to identify, select and apply knowledge and skills to appropriate perform workplace tasks in any industry. Through a PBL (problem-based learning) study program this and other workshop projects will develop a "real world" relevance in your overall learning experience.
There are 3 lessons, each involving a PBL project, as follows:

1. Workplace Tools, Equipment and Materials: Identifying and describing the operation of tools and equipment used in the workplace; routine maintenance of tools and equipment; identifying and comparing materials used in the workplace; using different materials to perform workplace tasks.

2. Workplace Skills: Determining key practical skills in the workplace; identifying and comparing commonly-performed workplace tasks; determining acceptable standards for workplace tasks; implementing techniques for improving workplace efficiency.

3. Workplace Safety: Identifying health and safety risks in the workplace; complying with industry OH&S standards; developing safety guidelines for handling dangerous items.

What is PBL?

Problem-based learning has been defined as: “A learning method based on using problems as a starting point for acquisition and integration of new knowledge.”

Duration   100 hours


This course will give you the opportunity to gain and develop practical workplace skills, applicable to your industry. Using problem-based learning (PBL) strategies, you will complete three projects that address the following topics, relevant to workplaces in your industry:

  •  Equipment
  •  Tools
  •  Materials
  •  Work techniques
  •  Productivity and efficiency
  •  Workplace safety


Note: The three hypothetical PBL projects that you complete must be based on the industry that you work in, or intend to work in. For example, if you are a landscaper, you must base your project on a small landscaping business; if you work in computing, you will base your project on your specific sector of involvement in the computer industry.

What is PBL?

Problem-based learning has been defined as “a learning method based on the use of problems as a starting point for acquisition and integration of new knowledge.”


PBL has a number of characteristics:

  • PBL relies on problems to drive curriculum.
  • PBL relies on real-life problems, where students act as professionals in solving problems.
  • PBL problems are not intended to be precise or to generate neat answers.
  • The student’s struggle to solve problems will allow them to gain essential problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
  • There are no single correct or incorrect solutions. Problems are designed so that different appropriate answers might apply.
  • Teaching staff are facilitators or coaches, and must resist providing solutions, as it is the role of the student to solve problems.
  • Students are provided with guidance on techniques to use to solve problems, but are not given answers.
  • Assessment is based upon performance, not upon the presentation of correct answers.