Web Site Development has become a huge industry; and there is high demand for developers who can bring results. I.T. Staff at ACS are world leaders in web site development, rest assured you will be trained by experts.This certificate teaches the most in demand web development tools like HTML, ASP.net, Visual Studio.net, Flash, Ecommerce and Digital photography.
Career Opportunities
Web developer, Web specialist, Web programmer

Become a Web Site Developer

A web site is an essential part of virtually every business and public enterprise in todays world. There are hundreds of millions of web sites that all need improvement and maintenance on a regular basis; and tens of millions of new web sites being created every year.

Web sites can be created without too much expertise; but effective web sites require the right mix of programming skills combined with a little flair and creativity and a willingness to listen to and act on a client's needs.

This course is unique, and has been developed and is taught by people who have experienced continuous success with web sites almost since the birth of the internet.

Course Structure

To obtain this certificate, you need to complete six modules, three compulsory, and the other three electives.

Compulsory Modules are:

  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • Graphic Design

You must choose and complete three of the following:

  • SQL Databases
  • Information Security
  • E Commerce
  • Multimedia Flash
  • ASP.Net
  • Digital Photography
  • Photoshop
  • Visual Basic.Net

Requirements to Pass a Certificate:

  • Satisfactorily complete all assignments. If you don't complete an assignment satisfactorily, we will tell you what is needed, and you are always given opportunities to resubmit.
  • Pass a sit down theory exam for each module (subject) in addition to the assignments. The exam can be conducted anywhere in the world. If you fail an exam, you are always given advice and an opportunity to sit it again. (NB: An exam fee applies)

What Do the Modules Cover?

Here are brief outlines of some:

Writing a Web Site (HTML)

This module has eight lessons as follows:

  1. Getting Started -What is html, What is a tag, Create an html page, Write a file, File Naming, View your First Page, Your First Page Explained, Structure of an HTML page, Structure of Tags, Tag Attributes, Adding More Detail to a Page, Laying out Text, Adding Colour, External Style Sheet, Validation
  2. Page Layout -Tables and Layout, Aligning Content of Table Cells, Common Layouts, Text Layout, Terminology
  3. Navigation -What is a Hyperlink?, External Links, Text Links, Naming Links, Image Links, The Target Attribute, Email Links, Internal Links, Navigation Bar, Navigation and Usability, Terminology.
  4. Images and Page Weights -Image Format, Selecting Image Type, Sourcing Images, Viewing Images on a Web Page, Background Images, Tricks with Background Images, Page Weight, Optimal Page Weight, Image Optimization
  5. Colour and Style - Designing with Colours and Styles, Colour, Understanding Hexadecimal Named Colours, Named Colours vs Hexadecimal, Web Safe colours, Tags that Support Colour, CSS -Cascading Style Sheets, Cascading Styles, Font Matching, Inline Styles Using an ID, CSS Classes, IDs and Classes, External Style Sheets (ESS), Linking a Page to ESS
  6. Designing a Web Site -Planning your Design, Interviewing a Client, Design Review, Prototypes, Signoff, Designing a Home Page
  7. Building and Testing a Web Site -Planning a Site Before you Build, Prototype Design Navigation and Build, Test during and after Build, W3, Html Standards, Well Formatted html, Validation, Usability Checks, Checklist
  8. FTP -What is ftp, Anonymous ftp, ftp Client, Registering your Domain, Web Hosting, Affording the Overheads

There are 10 lessons in this course:
1. Introduction   Enabling Javascript (IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Firefox), Javascript in Web Applications
2. JavaScript Essentials I   Operators, Strings, Arrays
3. JavaScript Essentials 2   Conditional Statements
4. Functions   What is a Function, Defining Functions, Function Parameters & Return, Javascript Build In Functions
5. Events and Event handling   What is an Event, Event Handling, Document Object Model
6. Advanced JavaScript   Cookies, Browser Detection, Creating Objects, Objects in Javascript
7. Dynamic HTML   Difference between Static & Dynamic, DTHML Javascript, DHTML XHTML, DHTML CSS
8. Emails, Forms and Form Validation   What is Form Validation, Validating Text Fields, Validating other Imputs
9. Pop Ups and Navigation Menus   Alert Box, Prompt Box, Confirm Box, Menus, Pure CSS Menus
10. JavaScript Applications   HTML, CSS & Javascript, Code Validation, Improve your Web Development

Graphic Design
There are ten lessons in Graphic Design:

1. Scope and Nature of Graphic Design   What does a Graphic Designer do? What kind of skills does a Graphic Designer need? What kind of roles would a Graphic Designer have? Historical background of Graphic Design; Common Graphic Design terms; Applications that Graphic Designers use
2. Design Fundamentals   Design Elements and Criteria; Theories on Composition; Practical Devices of Composition
Gestalt Principles of Perception: Selecting the correct Pictures and Images; Using Files
3. Colour Theory and Applications   CMYK, RGB, PMS Colour, Hex Colours, Coloured and White Light and Emotional Responses to colour
4. Typography   Why selecting the right typography for your work is so important? Selecting Fonts and using them in your work
5. Illustration   History of pictures; Illustrations used in modern designs; Using images in your own design; Sketching out your ideas; Digital Illustrations; Raster and Vector Graphics
6. Logotype Design   Using Logos; Colours and Emotions; Shapes of Logos; Designing Business Cards, Letterheads and Banners
7. Layout Design   How to get your message across; Design a well organised piece of work; Attracting your audiences attention; Layout principles; The Design Process; Style Sheets; Sending you artwork for printing; Cascading Style Sheets (CSS); Types of Software
8. Design Systems and the Design Industry   Visual Communication; Manufacturing; Built Environment; Industrial Design; Interior Design; Graphic Design; Designing for different purposes; Design Briefs; Web Pages
9. Comparative Design -Lessons From Other Designers    Learning about the work of other designers to diversify your work; Influential People in history in the Graphic Design Industry
10. Design Project    Problem Based Learning; Interacting with people that you work with

E Commerce

There are eight lessons in this module as follows:

  1. Introduction: What is e-commerce, scope of e commerce. E commerce problems & advantages, security, using the internet, contract law, How different electronic payment systems work (eg. credit card, bank transfer etc)
  2. Success & Failure: What makes a web site commercially successful? Relaxing with technology, what can go wrong, site visibility, interactivity of a site, etc
  3. Promotional Strategies: Internet differences; Internet code of conduct, marketing management, target marketing, categories of url’s (search engines, ffa’s, directories etc)
  4. Optimizing Web Site Potential: Monitoring visitors, Ground rules keep changing, Meta tags, Evaluation services, Submission services, etc
  5. Increasing Web Site Exposure: Developing a marketing plan, Promoting a site, Forms of advertising, Types of Marketing (Affiliate marketing; Free Content Marketing; Drive in Marketing, Buzz Marketing and User Group Marketing.)
  6. Automating Supply of Goods, Services and Cash flow: Ways to process payment; Ways to supply goods or services.
  7. Managing Constant Change: Ways to keep information up to date, Resource Planning, Information Currency vs Cash Currency, etc.
  8. Dealing with E Commerce Problems: Learning from mistakes (others & yours)

Digital Photography

This course is divided into eleven lessons as follows:
  1. Introduction To Digital Technology     How images are captured and stored, categories of equipment & software, scope of applications
  2. Equipment -getting started; deciding what you need, CCD's, Image Sizes, Raster Images,, Video Cards, Colour depth, Computer terminology etc.
  3. Digital Technology     -Colour, resolution, sensors (how technology enables digital images to be captured).
  4. Digital Cameras     -Image formation, lenses, camera stability, one shot cameras, 3 shot cameras, terminology (eg.DPI, DVD, Bit, EDO RAM, Plug In etc)
  5. Taking Photographs     -Principles of Photo Composition, Creating effects, Default Setting, Compression of Data, Dithering, Halftones etc
  6. Scanners     -Techniques which can be used for digitally capturing images from film photographs, or graphics
  7. Uploading Images      -How digital images can be transferred effectively from a camera (or scanner) onto another device (eg. a computer, video monitor, television set, etc).
  8. The Digital Darkroom     -Techniques that can be used to process digital photographs within a computer to achieve improved or changed images
  9. Compositing & Imaging - Production & manipulation of images;  How digital photos can be manipulated and changed to produce altered images
  10. Special Effects     -Scope and nature of special effects that can be created with digital photographs
  11. Outputs & Applications- Printers, The Internet,  How and where digital photography can effectively be used.


The course is divided into 9 lessons as follows:

  1. Learning the menus: This lesson will familiarize the student with all of the main menu options and their basic functions.
  2. Working with digital image files: This lesson provides an overview of the major digital file types, as well as how to resize an image and save from one file type to another.
  3. Understanding the Tool Palette: This lesson teaches the student the various uses of the major Photoshop tools for creating and manipulating artwork, photos and digital compositions.
  4. Using Layers, Actions and History: This lesson explores the capabilities of the Photoshop Layers palette, which is the foundation of why Photoshop is such a powerful creative tool.
  5. Digital painting, shapes and colours: This lesson begins to explain the basic concepts of colour. The lesson continues by walking the student through a “How-to” guide to creating simple original artwork.
  6. Selecting, Resizing, Transforming and Masking: This lesson explores the tools available for manipulating and transforming various components of an image or composition.
  7. Adjustments and modifications: This lesson lists the steps required to improve the quality of an image by applying adjustments and modifications.
  8. Adding Filters and Styles: This lesson will focus on the various styles and effects that can be applied to an image or composition.
  9. Preparing files for print and web: This lesson will list the steps required to prepare the finished files for use in print, web, or email.


ASP.net is a program used to develop web sites. It has very real advantages over HTML (which is more widely used) and other web site programs (eg. It will download sites much faster, and search engines are likely to rank ASP.net programs higher than others).  There are 11 lessons as follows:

1. Introduction -What is ASP.Net, Enhanced Performance, World-Class Tool Support, Power and Flexibility, Simplicity, Manageability, Scalability and Availability, Customizability and Extensibility, Security, Required Software, Visual Web Developer Express Edition, Visual Studio.NET 2005, Internet Information Services (IIS), A Simple Asp.Net Page, Programming Exercise -Running the Example in Visual Web Developer.

1. VB.NET Essentials -What Are Variables?, Arrays, Kinds of Variables (Data types), Integer variables, Long integer variables, Single precision floating point variables, Double precision floating point variables, Assigning Variable Values, Operator Precedence
Strings, Hard Coding Variables, Program Flow and Branching (conditional branching,
unconditional branching), If Statements, If...Else Statements, Select Statements, Looping, For Loop, While Loops, Other Types of Loops, Looping Summary, Hungarian Notation, Functions
Subroutines, Programming Exercise -Using Variables

3. Web Forms -Using CSS and Master Pages, Master Pages, Content Page vs. Master Page, Creating a Master Page, Default Master Content, Web Forms, A Basic Introduction to HTTP

4. Web Server Controls - Server Controls, HTML Controls, ASP.NET Controls, Validation Controls, Programming Exercise -Creating a Form to Capture User Details; Raising and Handling Events, Postback Architecture

5. Form Validation -Required Field Validator, Compare Validator, Regular Expression Validator, Range Validator, Custom Validator

6. Classes and Namespaces - OOP Concepts, Fields, Properties, Methods, and Events
Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism; Overloading, Overriding, and Shadowing; Access Levels, Constructors and Destructors, Namespaces

7. ASP.NET Applications -Page Lyfescycle, Events in the Life Cycle of Page, Page Methods, Site Model

8. Interacting with Databases -Database basics, Creating a Database, Connecting to a Database, Coding Connections, Reading from a Database, Executing the Query, Stepping through the SQL Result, Writing to a Database, Adding New Records, Updating Records
Closing the Connection, Data Binding

9. Error Handling -Introduction, Exceptions, Trapping Errors, Try … Catch, Logging Exceptions, Using Web.config file

10. Email from Your Applications - System.net,mail Namespace, SMTP, Sending a Simple Email, Using the Mailmessage Class

11. Project: Creating an Online Store -Systems Development Lifecycle, System Request, Analysis and Design, Programming, Testing and Acceptance, Installation/ Implementation, Maintenance, Using Interface Design (UID), Project


    Visual Basic Programming.Net

    This module has twelve assignments as follows:

    1. Introduction Understanding the basic concept of computer programming and how it fits in with the .NET framework.
    2. Variables Understanding how computer programs store values and how they are accessed.
    3. Understanding conditional statements Understanding how conditional statements are used to effect the flow of a program.
    4. I/O handling Learn how to create, read and write files used by your VB.NET application. Also understand how to send information to a printer
    5. Controls and Objects – An Introduction Understanding the basics of controls and objects.
    6. Structured Programming using Modules Understanding the benefits of using modules to structure your program.
    7. Properties, methods, events & classes Understanding properties, methods and events and how they are used in classes.
    8. Inheritance Understanding how inheritance is used in VB.NET to re-use code.
    9. Polymorphism Understanding how to use polymorphism to perform the same functions in different ways.
    10. Using controls Understanding the different controls in VB.NET and how to use them.
    11. Debugging Understanding how to identify, trap and fix errors in your program.
    12. Developing a complete VB.NET application Understanding how to put all your skills together to create a stand alone program.

    SQL Database for the Web

    There are 12 lessons as follows:

    1. Introduction to Databases -What is a database, DBMS, The relational model, Primary keys, Foreign keys, Relationships, Normalisation, Denormalisation
    2. Fundamentals of SQL -Installing DBMS, SQL, The select statement, Common errors, Identifiers
    3. Building a database with SQL -Building a database, Data types in MS Access
    4. Storing & Retrieving Data -Reviewing data, Retrieving data from tables with relationships, Creating column aliases, Eliminating duplicate rows, Filtering rows, Matching patterns, Escaped and unescaped patterns, Range filtering, List filtering, Evaluating conditional values, Sorting rows, Sorting, updating and deleting data,
    5. Advanced SQL database access methods -Relational databases, Creating outer joins, Sub queries, Summarising data, Grouping rows, Set operations
    6. Database Security -Privelige heirachy, Triggers, Security etc
    7. Using SQL in applications -Using DQL in an application, Embedded SQL, Object oriented RAD tool, etc
    8. Cursors -What are cursors, scope of cursors, benefits ogf a cursor, scrollable cursor, etc.
    9. Stored procedures -Stored procedures, Compound statements, Stored functions, Stored modules, Views, Indexes, Controlled flow statements
    10. Error Handling -Stability, Constraint violation, Exception, etc
    11. Dynamic SQL -What is dynamic SQL, Executing dynamic SQL, Dunamic cursors.
    12. Advice & Tips -Common Mistakes: Assuming client knows their needs, Underestimating project scope, Only considering technical factors, Not asking client for feedback, etc.


    Macromedia Flash

    Comprehensive module on Macromedia Flash MX. This course will take you from the very basics of flash right up to developing interactive multimedia web solutions. This has twelve lessons as outlined below:

    1. Introduction to Flash -Introduction, Vector graphics, Bitmap graphics, Streaming, How flash works, Upgraded features
    2. Using the Flash MX editor -Creating a new document, Setting preferences, Editing, Clipboard, Action script editing, Zooming, Scenes, Objects, Moving the stage, Grids,Guides, Rulers, Timeline, Keyframes, Layers, Frame labels, etc.
    3. Drawing & Colour -Toolbar, Basics of drawing in flash, Pencil tool, Drawing lines and shapes, Brush tool, Masks, etc
    4. Working with objects & symbols -Objects, Arrow tool, Lasso tool, Symbols, Assets, Library, etc
    5. Working with text -Static text, Embedded and Device Fonts, etc
    6. Working with graphics -Turning bitmaps into vector graphics, Using bitmaps as fills, Modifying bitmap fills, The magic wand.
    7. Animation -Frame by frame animation, Tweened animation, Setting up a movie, Animating, Layers, Adding a background, Creating timeline effects.
    8. Actionscript -Creating interaction, Planning scripts for a movie, Object oriented programming, The movie clip object.
    9. Using audio in your movies -Unsynchronised sound, Synchronised sound, Importing sounds, Adding sounds to frames, Adding sounds to buttoons, Using event sounds, Start sounds, Streaming sounds, Stopping sounds, Looping sounds, Editing sounds.
    10. Using video in your movies -Quality, Keyframe interval, Scale, Importing audio, Working with video, Importing video.
    11. Components -The check box, Importing text scroll bar, Creating a form, Adding a check box, Adding a combo box, Push buttons, Configure components, Write action script to gather data, Action script for the entire movie, Action script to each key frame, Testing the movie.
    12. Publishing -How to prepare your finished movie for distribution via the Internet, CD and other formats. You will also learn techniques for optimising your movies so they perform efficiently and on multiple system configurations.