Learn to tend a bar, serving drinks and making coffee.

This course provides basic knowledge for those attending a bar or working as a drinks waiter or waitress. Develop a broad understanding of the industry, become familiar alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks; how to provide service to bar customers, mix a range of drinks and appreciate different wines.

Who does this course?

  • People working in a restaurant, hotel etc. wanting to further their scope for advancement
  • Anyone starting a restaurant or accomodation facility who may want these skills
  • Young people seeking a marketable skill they can use to seek employment for a year or two while studying or travelling
  • Students of hospitality who take this course as part of a larger certificate or diploma


Distance Education Course -Learn to be a bar tender

  • Learn about alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks
  • Learn to run a bar or assist with operating a bar in a hotel, pub or elsewhere
  • Expand your job prospects with a skill that is portable and always in demand

Do you have an outgoing personality? Are you dedicated, committed and flexible?

Bar staff are employed in restaurants and bars all over the world. Their primary role is to service customers with drinks, and secondarily, food (occasionally other things such as cigarettes and cigars).
In some situations, bar staff may only dispense drinks and snacks such as nuts and potato crisps. In other situations (eg. at a pub), bar staff may be required to take orders for "counter meals", and dispense the meals after they have been prepared by the cook.

General duties for bar staff at all times will be:
Providing Service to customers
Maintaining cleanliness (including the bar, tables & glass ware)

Customer Relations

Bar staff often have duties segregated from food service staff; although in many restaurants, the same person might perform both duties. Essentially food service staff are responsible for meals and bar staff for drinks and light snacks. Menus can vary significantly depending on the type of establishment. In today's ever changing world, there is increasing innovation, and the rules of traditional bar service are increasingly broken. As such, bar staff may very often find themselves performing various food service duties.

Course Aim
: This course provides basic knowledge for attending a bar or working as a drinks waiter or waitress.

Course Duration:
100 hours

Course Content:

This subject has 7 lessons as follows:

  1. Introduction - industry orientation, presentation, bar equipment and layout, etc.
  2. Alcoholic Products - orientation - Become familiar with the range of alcoholic products found commonly in a bar including spirits, beer and wine.
  3. Non Alcoholic Drinks - To become familiar with the range of non-alcoholic drinks that can be found at a bar; different coffee and tea types.
  4. Service Procedures - Protocol - Dealing with customers, food handling, tray service, accounts, etc. Learn the service procedures for a range of situations from an a la Carte restaurant to a bar and grill.
  5. Mixing Drinks - To develop an ability to mix a range of cocktails and other drinks in a bar. Learn the art of flairing and how to make a Tequila Sunrise.
  6. Wine Appreciation - To further develop an understanding and appreciation of different wines. Learn which wines go best with seafood, meat and cheese platters.
  7. Establishing a Bar Service - To consolidate skills so far developed to establish or improve the management of a bar service

Dealing With Customers

Good interpersonal skills in interactions between the customer and bar staff are essential as they have the ultimate aim of treating their customers to a memorable service experience.

Conversations between customers and staff should always be given priority over conversations between staff and other staff. When a conversation is in progress between staff and customers, other staff should not:

  • Talk to each other without first excusing themselves from the customer
  • Interrupt interactions between customers and staff, but should wait for a suitable moment to catch the attention of the other staff member so they may excuse themselves
  • Serve customers while carrying on a conversation between themselves
  • Talk across to each other, or customers

They should make the customers feel that they are caring for them, and not that they are an intrusion into the operation.

Interpersonal skills also relate to specific points of service, for example:

  •  Showing customers to their table, always walk with them, and at their pace.
  •  Seating customers, ladies first, descending in age, unless the host is a lady.
  •  Handling coats & wraps, umbrellas, etc (handle carefully)
  •  Handling menus and wine lists. Offer lists as soon as possible after the patrons enter, and then wait for them to take it. Do not force it on them.
  •  Opening and placing napkins: open carefully, do not shake it like a duster, place it on the customers lap after saying "excuse me" to the customer.
  •  When offering rolls/bread, and/or water be polite (eg. say "Excuse me sir/madam, would you like a roll")
  •  When offering accompaniments: only offer them if you have them at the table. Offering them when they are not there can sound like "I will get them for you if you really want" (this can imply that the guest is being an inconvenience if they want them).
  •  When serving and clearing, always say "excuse me", before commencing, and "thank you" upon completion. This ensures that the customer is aware of your presence and intention, and will avoid the potential for an accident occurring, plus is also merely maintaining an appropriate level of service and courtesy
  •  When explaining food or beverage items, use terminology which the customer will easily understand.
  •  Talking to customers is usually only done when standing next to the customer.