Training for leisure managers and technicians, learning to be a leisure industry professional, in marketing, management, research, teaching or technical aspects of the leisure industries. 

Forge a Business or Career in Leisure Services or Management

Start any time, study at your own pace from anywhere in the world.

Work in supplying goods, services or facilities to the Leisure industry

This course would be close to two years of full time study at most colleges; however, under our system you may fast track it or take it slow. Some may complete it in one year, while others may take many years to finish the course.

To give yourself the best chance of success in this industry, a substantial course (around 1500 hrs or more) together with experience, is what is needed.


Core Modules

 These modules provide foundation knowledge for the Learning Bundle 1500 hours in Leisure Studies.
  Industry Project BIP000
  Business Studies BBS101
Elective Modules

In addition to the core modules, students study any 8 of the following 6 modules.
  Travel Photography VPH005
  Aromatherapy VHT104
  Classroom Delivery Skills BGN106
  Ecotour Management BTR101
  Fitness Risk Management VRE104
  Freelance Writing BWR102
Note that each module in the Learning Bundle 1500 hours in Leisure Studies is a short course in its own right, and may be studied separately.

How are Leisure Services Provided?
Providing any products or services for leisure pursuits may fall within the scope of the leisure industry.
For example:
government services and facilities (eg. Leisure centres, public swimming pools, public golf courses and sports grounds, holiday play programs, picnic grounds, facilities for sports or hobbies, etc)
non profit organisations (eg. Sporting clubs, social clubs, hobbies)
commercial enterprises (eg. Fitness centres, health clubs, manufacturers and suppliers of hobby and sporting supplies and equipment, theme parks, etc)
sometimes tourism and health industries overlap on the leisure industry. Boundaries are not clearly defined (eg. A scuba dive centre might be considered part of the leisure industry or the tourism industry; or perhaps both).
In developed countries, leisure can be a huge and significant industry, contributing as much if not more than any other industry to a nation’s economy.
As with any large industry, proper management of income and expenditure is essential to sustaining the industry and optimising the quantity and quality of service it can deliver to the public.
The nature, scope and quality of leisure facilities and services will always be limited by funding.
In an ideal world, a leisure manager can concentrate on providing the very best services, and need not be distracted by financial concerns. This is however unrealistic. Funding is a significant concern to most leisure managers.
Funding may come from one or several of the following:
User Pays
Government Funded Services
Funding through Grants, Gifts, Donations
Fund Raising Activities
Funding from Sponsors or Advertisers
User Pays
This is a funding strategy that relies on generating running costs from charges made to the users (eg. a public swimming pool that charges entry fees and uses those entry fees to pay for running costs). Public facilities may budget to break even (no profit) but good management can still be very important , if funding budgets are to be achieved.
Government Subsidised
This is where government funding partly or fully pays for facilities or services.
Grants, Gifts, Donations
Some people will bequeath money to Leisure facilities or services in their will. Some philanthropic individuals or organisations may also give money to what they consider a good cause. Trusts and various types of philanthropic organisations donate funds in different ways. Some call for submissions; others find worthy causes and make donations without any submission being made.
Some major sporting organisations may also provide funding to support grass roots activities in their field (eg. A national football league may support a local junior football competition).
This method of acquiring funding is more prevalent in some countries than others, and may be more prevalent for some types of facilities or services than others.
Some leisure facilities and services have been fortunate to acquire funding through grants, gifts or donation
This involves funding being provided usually by a commercial organisation, in exchange for some commercial benefit they perceive.
A TV or other media organisation providing funding for a sporting club in exchange for exclusive media rights
A commercial business providing funding in exchange for advertising rights (eg. Billboards at the facility, being able to advertise an affiliation with the sponsored organisation
A business or other organisation may feel they enhance their image as being more charitable, ethical or attractive.

Sponsorship can be a significant source of funding in recreation and sport.
The basis for sponsorship is that a sponsor (eg. a commercial business or public body) will provide funding to an organisation; and receive benefits (eg. promotional benefits), from being seen to be associated with the recreation organisation or sport.
Sponsors usually see their involvement as a financial investment, but as with all financial investments they do not always believe that they get value for money.
If sponsorship is to be ongoing, however, there needs to be a cost benefit which equates with costs to the sponsor.
Sponsorship agreements need to be negotiated in detail, and the details spelt out clearly on paper.
The sponsor and the "sponsored" both need to know clearly what rights and limitations are involved in the sponsorship contract.
Success for some may be to get a job; but for others, it may be to be their own boss in their own leisure based business. Either way, this course can greatly enhance your chances of success.

Study alone though is rarely enough to realize your full potential in this, or any industry. Even the best course will only provide a foundation upon which to build a career. The most informed and capable leisure professionals are always going to be people who have three things:
Knowledge and Skills. This can be achieved through formal study, or informal learning
Relevant Experience. By seeing and doing things in the industry, you can apply your learning; and that builds a context and relevance for learning that can never be achieved though study alone. It takes time, practice, application and repetition for both theoretical and practical learning to become really useful; and as that happens, you become increasingly useful.
A positive and appropriate attitude. To be a successful manager today, even in a public job, can often require a certain entrepreneurial flair.
Some students may find business or career opportunities emerge as they progress through this course. We often hear of students being offered work. Being involved in the industry, undertaking projects we give you, and exploring new ideas, can easily lead to developing industry contacts, or finding opportunities that you might not have otherwise seen.

Other students may on graduating, decide to seek employment in an established leisure enterprise; or start their own business.