Learn How Permaculture Systems Relate
As with Permaculture II, this course is a natural progression from the earlier Permaculture units, but can also be taken separately in its own right. It concentrates on the animals in a permaculture system, how they relate to each other, how they relate to surrounding environments, and selection and management of different types of animals in a permaculture design.
Small and large animals alike have important roles in permaculture.

The value of larger animals such as poultry, is obvious (eg. providing eggs); but there are many more reasons to want animals in a permaculture system; other than just being a source of food.

Insects, earthworms and other small organisms are often obscure to they eye, but they are nevertheless very important in any permaculture system. They contribute in a very big way towards maintaining a natural balance in the environment, and it is the same natural balance which makes the whole concept of permaculture a viable concept.

They eat, hence help dispose of or decay dead or excesses of plant and animal material. They provide food for birds, fish, poultry and other animals. They eventually die and decompose, their bodies returning valuable nutrients to the soil to feed plants.

Course Content and Structure
There are six lessons as follows:

1. Integrating Animals into a Garden
2. Role of Insects and Other Animals
3. Animal Husbandry: Poultry & Bees
4. Animal Husbandry: Pigs, Goats, Cattle, etc.
5. Aquaculture Production Systems
6. Aquaculture: Trout, Barramundi, Crayfish, etc.

Course Duration -100 hours