Study Water Conservation and Management Online

Learn about water resources, use and application of water conservation measures in different contexts. Improve your capacity to design, implement and asses water management plans and procedures.

Water is the most important substance to sustain life. All living organisms need water. Many need air, and many others can survive without air, replacing it with other gases, but none of them can survive without water.

Who should do this course?

  • Anyone who works or desires to work in the provision and management of water resources.
  • Students of Agriculture, Horticulture or any other industry where water is important.
  • People working or planning a career in habitat or environmental management

Home Studies Course for Improving Water Management

Water occupies 70% of the Earth’s surface. It is essential for life as life on Earth developed first in the water and then it evolved into terrestrial forms of life, but carrying the water inside the plant or animal, for its survival. Terrestrial life therefore has settled and evolved always at the water’s edge. Most of human population lives in the coast or near it, or is located at major rivers.

Industry evolved also depending on water, so major traditional industrial centres (from the industrial revolution in Europe and early industrial developments in other continents) are located alongside rivers. This has had major impacts on the water flows and quality of the rivers of the world.

This course develops a deeper understanding of the water we have, where it comes from, how we currently use it, and how we can better manage it in a responsible and sustainable way.


There are 10 lessons in this module as follows:

Lesson 1: Introduction to water conservation

  • The importance of water
  • The water cycle – rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, effective rainfall
  • Water sources, storage and water quality
  • Facts on water use – water use at home, in primary and other industries
  • Why conserve water – personal, regional and global significance
Lesson 2: Water conservation at home
  • Australia Case Study
  • United Kingdom Case Study
  • United States Case Study
  • Measures undertaken to save water in the home – in the kitchen, bathroom and in the garden.
  • Water Saving Devices
Lesson 3: Water conservation in the workplace
  • General principles of water conservation
  • Implementing water saving strategies
  • Installing small appliances to conserve water
  • Large water saving devices
Lesson 4: Water management
  • Maintaining water quality, controlling salinity and possible chemical contaminants
  • Controlling Use and Quality of Water – water flow measurement, water quality control, testing water salinity
  • Preserving Water Quality – minimising evaporation, water sanitation
  • Water Audits
  • Water Management Plans
Lesson 5: Water conservation in Primary Production I
  • Water Saving Measures
  • The Use of Water Saving Plants
  • Water Wise Procedures
  • Water Conserving Irrigation systems
  • Landscaping to conserve water
  • Equipment, structures and tools to save water
Lesson 6: Water conservation in Primary Production II
  • Use of water in primary production
  • Methods of water storage
  • Rainwater collection and storage
  • Bore water
  • Planning farm dams and lining ponds
  • Water Requirements – livestock requirements, domestic requirements
  • Water Quality
  • Water Problems on Farms – contamination and disposal of water, evaporation, seepage, runoff, overspray, scheduling
  • Using Farm Waste Water
  • Irrigation System Design
  • Maintenance Procedures and Scheduling
Lesson 7: Water conservation in Services industries
  • The use of water in the Services Industry
  • Contamination and disposal of water
  • Reduce/Reuse/Recycle in the Services Industry
Lesson 8: Water conservation and Health
  • Hospitals, nursing homes, laundries, clinical laboratories, dental practices, human and animal research facilities
  • Uses of water in Health Industry to control pathogens and in general use
  • Water minimization
  • Water efficiency
Lesson 9: Water conservation in other sectors
  • Use of water in manufacturing, construction and heavy industry
  • Water use in the production process
  • Examples of water using activities in food facilities
  • Water holding
  • Benefits of cleaner production
Lesson 10: Water treatment, reuse and recycling
  • Water Sanitation – filtering and disinfection
  • Water Reuse and Recycling – classification and composition of waste water.
  • Recycling Waste water
  • Waste water treatment
  • Suitable plants
  • Treating saline water


DURATION 100 hours



  • Explain the importance of water in the world and the reasons for its sustainable conservation and management.
  • Explain the importance of water conservation and methods to save water at the workplace.
  • Explain the importance of water conservation and methods to save water at home.
  • Explain water flow and quality control.
  • Explain water audits and water management plans.
  • Explain the importance of water conservation and methods to save water in Horticulture
  • Explain the importance of water conservation and methods to save water in Agriculture.
  • Explain the importance of water conservation and methods to save water in the Services Industry.
  • Explain the importance of water conservation and methods to save water in the Health Industry and allied services.
  • Explain the importance of water conservation and methods to save water in other occupations.
  • Explain water sanitation and waste water treatment methods and the difference with water reuse and recycling.


  • Keep your skills current. Ensure your skills are up to date, by pursuing further studies or attending professional development activities.
  • Keep up to date with what's happening in the field of Water Conservation. Keep an eye on the development of new technologies to aid in Water Conservation. What are the most pressing issues and where is there likely to be more work?
  • Join a networking group to meet people who are working in the field.
  • Get some experience. Whether paid or unpaid, experience will always make your CV look more impressive and give you some practical knowledge to apply in your interview.




Just go to the top of this page for pricing and enrolment options. If you have any questions you can contact us now, by:
Phone (UK) 01384 44272, (International) +44 (0) 1384 442752, or

Email us at [email protected]