From infant to adolescent
Child psychology is one of the cornerstones of psychology. An understanding of child psychology informs many other areas of investigation in the field of psychology. Knowledge of child psychology is therefore the perfect foundation for further studies in psychology, and is one of the best study choices if you want to pursue a career working with children.
Children are fascinating to work with. At no other time in our lives do we change so much as we do during childhood. Those fortunate to work with children are able to witness these changes, and those with an understanding of child psychology are able to predict how children of different ages will behave as well as how their current behaviour and situation might influence their future development.
Study this course to learn how children think, and how their psychology changes as they develop - cognitively, morally, socially, and sexually. This course will be of value to anyone who works with children (e.g. counsellors, play leaders, teachers).