Online Home Study - Health and Fitness - Fitness Leadership Course

  • learn about the nature of the fitness industry
  • learn skills to explain exercise principles to clients
  • understand the importance of exercise and human health.

An accredited advanced diploma module and a component of the Fitness Leaders Certificate.

This course covers theory contained within a fitness leaders certificate.


Pre-requisites: A first aid certificate (e.g. St Johns) and an understanding of human biology (e.g. Human Biology 1A).

Home Studies Course - Build skills in Fitness Leadership - Affordable Learning

  • find rewarding career opportunities
  • study anytime and anywhere
  • join our fitness school and graduate with confidence
  • work in the health industry



There are 8 lessons as follows:

  1. Introduction to Health and Fitness
  2. Exercise Physiology
  3. Exercise Principles and Cardiorespiratory Programming
  4. Biomechanics and Risk
  5. Fitness Program Design
  6. Delivering a Fitness Program
  7. Safety, Injury and General Wellbeing
  8. Fitness Programs for Special Groups


Duration: 100 hours



  • To explain the nature of the health and fitness industries.
  • To explain the relationship between the body and health, fitness and exercise, with reference to physiological processes.
  • To explain the relationship between the body and health, fitness and exercise, with respect to risk involved in exercise.
  • To evaluate body movements during different exercises.
  • To design fitness programs, which are both safe and effective, to fulfil specified requirements of an individual.
  • To deliver a fitness program to a small group of clients.
  • To manage the wellbeing of participants in a fitness program, including safety and injury.
  • To design fitness programs, which are both safe and effective, catering to needs of special populations (including weight control programs and programs for handicapped/disabled persons).



  • List the different types of health and fitness organisations and businesses offering services in your locality.
  • Explain the philosophical basis of health and fitness in a workplace you are familiar with.
  • Explain legal implications of providing fitness services in a gymnasium in your locality.
  • Explain official systems of accreditation, registration, and licensing which relate to providing services in the health and fitness industries, on a local, state or national basis.
  • Explain the status of professionalism, in the health and fitness industry.
  • Develop guidelines for ethical behaviour of staff in a health and fitness industry workplace.
  • Describe the history of fitness training in your country.
  • Explain a physiological response to a balanced exercise program over a period of months, in an adult who has not regularly exercised for many years (i.e. what happens to the adult over the time period of the exercise).
  • Indicate the likely response of the following different body parts to different levels of exercise:
    • Heart
    • Lungs
    • Back
    • Legs
  • List physical symptoms, which can result from a lack of exercise.
  • List risk factors associated with irregular exercise, for different types of people.
  • Explain the mechanics of body movement during three different exercises, using illustrations.
  • Analyse the movements observed during the three different types of exercises, performed by the three different people.
  • Explain the general benefits of regular exercise, for 3 different demographic groups(eg. children, teenagers and young adults; or teen males, teen females and elderly).
  • Explain the components of fitness in a typical young adult.
  • Explain the different goals of training including cardio-respiratory fitness, flexibility, strength, and endurance.
  • Apply the principles of training, to design an exercise program to suit your lifestyle, resources and aims.
  • Design instructions, for two different series of stretching routines, for different purposes.
  • Explain how the principles of leadership may be applied, in a fitness program.
  • Explain how the principles of learning apply, in fitness program.
  • Analyse different motivational techniques being used by a leader, in a fitness session which you observe.
  • Survey members of two different health/fitness clubs to determine differences in attitude towards services being offered.
  • Develop a checklist of criteria which are critical to customer satisfaction in the delivery of a fitness program.
  • Demonstrate the leading of one or several people through their first session of a 30 minute fitness program, which they are unfamiliar with.
  • List different options for screening techniques, to evaluate health in a gymnasium.
  • Discuss symptoms of poor condition, including poor fitness, sickness and injury; which you observed in the video/TV program where different people are exercising.
  • Develop safety procedures for a specified fitness setting.
  • Specify a fitness injury you are familiar with, then recommend an appropriate recuperation process for that injury.
  • List first aid facilities which should be available in two different specific types of health and fitness facilities.
  • Compare different weight loss programs.
  • Explain the general benefits of regular exercise, for different demographic groups including:
    • Paraplegics
    • Elderly
    • Overweight people
  • Design a weight control program for a specific person.
  • Design a healthy weight gain program for a specific person.

General injury prevention tips

• Maintain hydration with water and sport drinks especially in hot or humid weather
• Avoid training when you are tired or sore
• Train in appropriate places and on correct surfaces
• Increase in training should be matched with increases in resting
• Treat even seemingly minor injuries very carefully to prevent them becoming a big problem
• If you experience pain when training STOP you training session immediately
• Introduce new activities very gradually
• Allow lots of time for warming up and cooling off
• Re-assess fitness levels constantly and adjust exercises to suit
• Ensure you have the appropriate safety equipment and instruction/training for machinery you plan to use during exercise
• Be fully aware of your or your client’s physical condition before commencing training or designing a training program.


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