Do you live in continuous pain and discomfort of your back?

Do you worry about your health declining?                          

Back pain can range in intensity from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp or shooting pain. Problems with a back may be due to a back injury but can also be due to a variety of other things including disease, nutritional issues, muscle weakness and more. To ignore a back injury is a mistake. This course provides clear understanding about the causes and treatment of back pain. Also, learn how to maintain a healthy back. 


Learn to Recognise, Prevent and Treat Your Back Pain.

Three body systems interact to maintain a healthy back and to keep the body functioning without pain – the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. These systems are closely interrelated, so damage to one system can impact on the other systems. Determine the significant cause of back pain/injury and a suitable way of assessing safe and appropriate activity levels for the individual relative to the condition of their back.



1. Patterns, Causes, and Effects of Back Problems
Red Flags for Back Pain
Pain only on One Side
Back Injuries
The Connections Between Back Pain and Depression
Work Related Back Pain
Posture and Ergonomics

2. Back Anatomy and Physiology
The Skeleton
The Skeletal System of The Back
Spinal Curvatures
The Relationship Between the Muscles and The Skeleton
Stretching A Muscle
The Nervous System’s Supply to The Back
Experiencing Pain
Trigger Points

3. Preventing Back Injuries
Lifestyle Issues and Habits
Correct Lifting Technique
Good Posture
Preventative Treatments
Muscles and Flexibility
Managing Back Related Injuries
Taping Up an Injury
Managing Inflammation

4. Types of Back Injury
Spinal Injuries
Musculoskeletal Injury
Neurological Injuries
Pinched & Trapped Nerves

5. Assessment and Screening
Collecting Client Information
Functional/Physical Assessment
Psychosocial Assessment
Symptoms of a Spinal Injury (Bone)
Symptoms of a Muscular Back Injury
Symptoms of a Neurological Back Injury
Clinical Assessment Procedures

6. Professional Treatments
Back Care Professionals
Complementary Therapies
Psychological Treatments for Chronic Pain Management

7. Surgical and Pharmaceutical Treatments
Pharmaceutical interventions
Understanding Prescription Medication Addiction

8. Back Health Maintenance 
Best Practice
Changing Habits
Legal Issues
Specific Practitioner Issues
The Mind’s Impact on the Physical Body
A Holistic Approach

9. Rehabilitation
Back Pain & Grief
Progressive Programme Design
Providing Psychosocial Support
Establishing and Monitoring Exercise Quotas and Intensity
Personal Rehabilitation
Professional Rehabilitation and Care


Duration: 100 hours



  • Discuss back health and the scope and nature of what causes back problems including pain.
  • Describe the physical biology of the spine, vertebrae and both muscular & neurological tissues in the human back and related parts of the body.
  • Determine actions an individual should take to better manage back health.
  • Explain the most frequent types of back injury.
  • Identify information required to make assessment of a client’s back health. Determine a suitable way of assessing safe and appropriate activity levels for the individual relative to the condition of their back.
  • Explain the scope and nature of treatments carried out by back care professionals.
  • Evaluate optional medical responses to persistent back health issues including pharmaceuticals and surgery.
  • Plan a maintenance response appropriate to an individual, giving informed advice to a client within the legal and ethical limits of your knowledge and experience.
  • Explain the rehabilitation process after a back injury or any other back problem


Who is this Course For?
This course is of relevance to anyone who has an interest in back care. This includes not only people working in mainstream and complementary health care, but also those concerned with fitness and wellbeing in or outside of the workplace. It is also relevant to workplace health and safety, to sporting and fitness professionals, counselling,  coaching professionals, and more.

It may also be of value to individuals with back pain or back health issues who wish to broaden their knowledge and understanding of this subject.  


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