Gain essential web programming skills

Learn one of the three core web technologies used to create interactive web pages

JavaScript is a powerful scripting language which can be used to read and modify HTML elements, validate data, and it can also react to events such as a mouse click or a key press on the keyboard, etc. 

A majority of website on the internet use JavaScript in some way, so it is one of the must have skills for a programmer or web developer


Create event driven, functional and imperative web pages, JavaScript provides powerful abilities to the developer

Easy to learn, this course will give novices an understanding of how to use JavaScript with HTML to create web pages

Interested in JavaScript; look at our HTML,, & SQL courses to make dynamic responsive websites


Learn to Create functional, interactive and powerful websites using JavaScript


10 lessons filled with easy to understand instructions

Screenshots of working examples

100 hours total study with up to 12 months to complete

No classes, submission dates or schedules!


This is a must have skill for anybody looking to learn about how websites are built, JavaScript is one of the oldest web technologies that for one of the three core elements of a website, JavaScript is an essential skill to have and will be for many years to come.


This course will teach you:

  • programming essentials
  • the javascript language
  • DOM and event handling
  • create dynamic html and navigation
  • write web apps & more!



    There are 10 lessons in this course:

    1. Introduction
      • Enabling Javascript (IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Firefox)
      • Javascript in Web Applications
    2. JavaScript Essentials I
      • Operators
      • Strings
      • Arrays
    3. JavaScript Essentials 2
      • Conditional Statements
    4. Functions
      • What is a Function
      • Defining Functions
      • Function Parameters & Return
      • Javascript Build In Functions
    5. Events and Event handling
      • What is an Event
      • Event Handling
      • Document Object Model
    6. Advanced JavaScript
      • Cookies
      • Browser Detection
      • Creating Objects
      • Objects in Javascript
    7. Dynamic HTML
      • Difference between Static & Dynamic
      • DTHML Javascript
      • DHTML CSS
    8. Emails, Forms and Form Validation
      • What is Form Validation
      • Validating Text Fields
      • Validating other Imputs
    9. Pop Ups and Navigation Menus
      • Alert Box
      • Prompt Box
      • Confirm Box
      • Menus
      • Pure CSS Menus
    10. JavaScript Applications
      • HTML, CSS & Javascript
      • Code Validation
      • Improve your Web Development


    Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.


    Duration: 100 hours

    Example Lesson ….  

    What Is JavaScript

    JavaScript is by far the most popular and widely used scripting language on the internet. It was invented by Brendan Eich at Netscape and has appeared in Netscape and Microsoft browsers since 1996. JavaScript has since grown in popularity and is now supported by all the major internet browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome).

    JavaScript is a scripting language which was designed to add more interactive features to static HTML pages. You may have seen some features on websites while browsing the internet such as popup windows, countdown timers, embedded clocks, etc.; these can all be developed using JavaScript. Another popular use is for form data input validation, for example, ensuring that input data on a Web form is valid.  The JavaScript code is usually embedded in the HTML code and runs on the user’s browser, that’s why JavaScript is known as a client-side scripting language. However, the main downside of having a script running on the browser and the code embedded in HTML is that everybody can download and view the code, without the need for a license.  Client-side and server-side scripting will be explained at the end of this lesson in more details.  

    JavaScript is a powerful scripting language which can be used to read and modify HTML elements, validate data, and it can also react to events such as a mouse click or a key press on the keyboard, etc. 


    Location of JavaScript in Web Applications

    When JavaScript is included in a web page, that script will run and execute as soon as the page is loaded into the web browser. However, as previously stated, JavaScript is mainly used to increase user interaction with a page, and get some effects happening as a response to the user’s actions, such as a mouse click, keyboard press, text selection, etc.

    For this reason, it is important to correctly enclose the JavaScript in special code blocks called functions (these will be explained in future lessons), and ensure that the code is only called and executed whenever requested.  While developing web applications, it is possible to include the JavaScript code in one of the following four locations:

    1. In the <head> tag

    One way of managing JavaScript code is by placing all the JavaScript functions in the <head> tag section of the HTML code, as this will ensure that the JavaScript code will not interfere with the rest of the code.

    An example is shown below: (don’t be alarmed if you don’t understand the JavaScript syntax, as everything will be explained in future lessons)



    <script type="text/javascript">

    function scriptInHead()


            // This is where the JavaScript code for this function will go. 


    //we can include as many functions as we want, each would perform different tasks.



    <body onload = "scriptInHead()">



     In the above example, the JavaScript function called “scriptInHead” has been included in the <head> tag section of the HTML code. It should be also enclosed in the <script type="text/javascript"> tag to tell the browser that this section will contain JavaScript code.  (NB In HTML5 declaring the script type, type=”text/javascript”, is now optional).

    Notice how comments have been added in green. Comments are statements that are not treated as lines of code, but rather as notes that programmer includes in the program which either explain the code, or serve as comments or notes. The web browser would totally ignore comments, and will not execute those, but it is important to add the double back slash \\ at the start of each comment line. It is also possible to comment out whole paragraphs, this can be achieved by enclosing the statements between /* and */.  

    Finally, to run the JavaScript code inside the function, we should reference it somewhere in the HTML code. In this example, the function is referenced in the body tag, with the following statement: <body onload = "scriptInHead()">

    This means that the function will run and execute as soon as the body section of the HTML code is loaded. 

    2. In the <body> tag

    If the JavaScript code contains statements that will write page content such as the document.write () statement, or if you simply do not wish to include the code in functions, then the JavaScript code should be placed inside the <body> tag of the HTML file.

    Below is an example:




    <body >

    <script type="text/javascript">

    document.write (“This JavaScript message will be displayed on the browser”);




    Notice how there is no need to call the JavaScript code anywhere else in the program, as this code will execute as soon as the body section is loaded.

    3. In both the <head> and <body> tags

    It is possible to combine section 1 and section 2 together, by having JavaScript code included in the <body> tag of the HTML document, and JavaScript functions added to the <head> section.

    4. In an external JavaScript file.

    With bigger and more complex web applications, it is recommended to keep the various components placed into separate files. Professional websites have a separate file (or files) for the CSS components and other file (s) for the JavaScript components. This helps keep the HTML code neat and uncluttered, and it also aids with troubleshooting, fault finding, and updates. 


    Why JavaScript?

    There are many reasons why you should learn about JavaScript. One of the major languages you can have knowledge in, it has become a must have, essential skill for website developers.

    An interesting statistic around JavaScript is that it is one of the first scripting languages for the web and in 2017 is used by over 90% of the most popular websites in the world. Almost all websites created will have some JavaScript behind it. 

    By taking this course, you will not only gain valuable knowledge of how websites are created, you will also be assured that what you are learning is in high demand and will benefit you for years to come.


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    Once enrolled, you will receive your online account to our system that will give you all the lessons assignments and self-assessment tests so you can start studying straight away.

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