Fundamentals of using the internet to generate income...


Why choose this course?

Develop an ability to manage commercial transactions electronically, particularly via the internet. While the course is concerned with marketing, management and processing; the primary concern is marketing. E commerce is short for "electronic commerce". It is anything concerned with doing business electronically. E-commerce includes commerce conducted over the internet, but also other forms of electronic commerce such as telephone banking, using a fax, or generating and managing accounting systems on a computer (without use of the internet). This course focuses on the internet; but covers other aspects of e commerce as well.


Is this course right for me?

This course is excellent for managers and marketing people who are good with general marketing but are not very sure about marketing on the web.

Study on your terms! 

Online Learning that caters for your needs and time schedule

Learn how marketing and ways to manage your online business is done on the internet


8 lessons filled with easy to understand instructions

Screenshots of working examples

100 hours total study with up to 12 months to complete

No classes, submission dates or schedules!


In this course you will learn tips and ways to manage your business or website online to generate more visitors, clicks, and reputation



There are eight lessons in this module as follows:

1. Introduction

  • What is e-commerce
  • Security
  • How to Protect a Business
  • Marketing on the Internet
  • Searching for Data on the Net
  • Contract Law
  • Warranty and Conditions
  • Sellers Liability
  • Consumer Laws
  • Manufacturers Liability
  • International Sales Contract Rules
  • Setting up a Business
  • Setting up an E Commerce Web Site
  • Bootstrap Sites

2. Success & Failure -What makes the Difference?

  • Introduction
  • Awareness of Technology
  • What makes an E Commerce Site Successful
  • Dotcom Failures
  • Site Visibility

3. Promotional Strategies -are different on the internet

  • Internet Code of Conduct
  • Analysing the market
  • Selecting Target Markets
  • Developing the marketing mix
  • Managing the marketing effort.
  • The Launch
  • Promoting an E Commerce Site
  • Marketing Strategies and Plan

4. Optimizing Web Site Potential

  • Monitoring Visitors
  • Ground Rules Keep Changing
  • Meta Tags
  • Evaluation/Review Services
  • Paid Services
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Main Page Content
  • Searchable words
  • Use of important Key Words
  • Page Titles
  • Links:
  • Frequency of changes
  • Good URL Structure
  • Navigation
  • Capture of Visitors
  • Download Speed
  • Graphics
  • Targeting
  • Site Maps

5. Increasing Web Site Exposure

  • Marketing Plan
  • Marketing Mix
  • Advertising
  • Personal Selling
  • Direct Marketing
  • Collateral Promotion
  • Channels of Distribution
  • Google Adwords
  • Search Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Free Content
  • Web Banners
  • Social Media Optimisation
  • Digital Marketing
  • Creative Buzz
  • Community
  • Guerilla Marketing

6. Automating Supply of Goods, Services and Cash flow

  • Payment
  • Ways to Supply Goods or Services
  • Drop Shipping
  • Outsourcing
  • Payment Gateways
  • SSL
  • Getting a Merchant Account for Credit Cards

7. Managing Constant Change

  • Resource Planning
  • Constant Review & Development Strategy
  • Outsourcing
  • Understanding Technology
  • Bandwidth
  • Information Currency vs. Cash Currency
  • Keeping a Web Site Current
  • Web Analytics
  • Change Management and Corporate Structure

8. Dealing with E Commerce Problems

  • Learning from Others Mistakes
  • Determining Where it Went Wrong
  • Legal Issues (eg. Privacy, Consumer Protection, Copyright, Patents)
  • Managing Risk
  • Charge back
  • Computer and Office Security
  • Insurance


Duration: 100 hours


Examples of things you will learn..

These are typical tasks you may be undertaking, with guidance and support from an experienced tutor/mentor.

  • Spend 1 hour surfing the net for Demographic information in your locality, state or country; that may be relevant in profiling a particular market sector (You are free to select any market sector that is relevant, or of interest to yourself
  • Investigate how credit cards work for a business. As a business operator, how do you process a payment; how do you get paid, and what costs are involved. How does an Eftpos machine work, and why would a business use this rather than other methods of processing credit cards?
  • In what ways would an e marketing strategy for selling motor cars need to be different to an e marketing strategy for selling books?
  • Present a plan for marketing a service or product using e commerce
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a PR firm to promote a web site rather than doing it yourself?
  • Investigate how to decide on the value of listings on different Search Engines and Directories?
  • Surf the net for sites, investigating different marketing types of sites such as:
    Affiliate marketing; Free Content Marketing; Buzz Marketing and User Group Marketing. Compare these 4 different sites, and make notes about how well you feel each is marketing itself and why.
  • Develop a Marketing plan for a web site that includes both on line and off line promotions.
  • Investigate how a potential buyer can determine whether it is safe to use their credit card number over the internet?
  • Develop a response to a potential customer in another country says they want to purchase from you; but insists they pay you in their countries currency; and not yours?
  • Determine the fastest way of getting a payment made by a customer to appear in your own bank account?
  • Determine different on-line services being offered by banks today.
  • Compare three different products offered electronically. Name them and then explain how you would arrange delivery of these products. Give reasons why you chose those particular modes of delivery.


One of the most important things you need to know in an Information Technology age..

You can have a great idea or a great product, but at the end of the day do you know how to get the maximum sales, interest and visitors online?

This course will equip you with the tools and knowledge in order to get the most out of your product or service sales.

Not only this, you will learn how to manage, forecast and market your product in a modern online environment.

Plenty of easy to understand ways and tips on increasing your sales.

Enrol in the E-commerce site today and start to see the benefits tomorrow.


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