Gain the Management Skill-Set You Need to Move Ahead in Your Career!

Management skills are in high demand, but for a successful career in management, it requires not only knowledge and skill, but an appropriate personality, and a depth of experience which can be drawn upon to make the right decision for each situation that is confronted. This course is different to other management courses, and in being so, provides you with a uniquely attractive skills set.


This is a fascinating course that combines all aspects of management, plus a lot more. It will open up a wide range of career options and provides a very solid foundation for anyone who is serious about getting ahead in their career. Whether you want to move into Human Resource Management, General Management or Departmental Management, this course can help you get there. Regardless of which industry you work in, general principles of good management are always important.

Required Modules:

You must complete all assignments and pass exams for 21 relevant modules.

The standard course is made up of the following modules; however, substitutes may be approved for some of these if deemed appropriate when you communicate with an academic officer at our school.:

  • Management
  • Business Studies
  • Workplace Health and Safety
  • Leadership
  • Instructional Skills
  • Marketing Foundations
  • Financial Management
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Personnel Management
  • Project Management
  • Computer Servicing I
  • Conservation and Environmental Management
  • Sales Management
  • Workplace Research Projects
  • Industry Conference / Seminars

Options: New Modules are being developed every year. Some of the above modules may be swapped with others if appropriate to your needs, at any stage during your studies, if the swap is approved by an academic officer.

 Duration: 2,100 hours

Opportunities for Graduates

Managers are needed to ensure organisations are controlled; that standards are met, procedures are followed and productivity of a workplace is therefore optimised.

Control is a complex issue, because it deals with people who in themselves are complex. Individuals are all different and their physical and mental state can vary from day to day. The effective manager needs to recognise the difficulties as well as potential, that comes with managing a group of people.

Effective control requires determination, decisiveness and focus.

Managers should understand their own limitations (as well as that of their staff; and when things grow beyond their capacity for control; they must either delegate some of their responsibilities to others, or reduce the scope of activity back to a level which can be controlled.

Urgent work is not necessarily the same as important work. Sometimes it can be more appropriate to abort a time sensitive job than to finish it at the expense of a more important job.  A manager needs to be aware of priorities that are essential for the running of their organisation and have control over that. A manager must never lose focus of what the overall aim of their organisation or department is.  


Keeping your focus on what your overall aim for the organisation or department is obviously important.  When making any plans, it is important to ensure that they are working towards your overall goal.

Within an organisation you may have a range of plans, such as an organisational strategic plan to achieve the goals of the organisation as a whole. You may also have operational plans on how the organisation operates and functions. You may also have strategic and operational plans for your department or part of the organisation.

Plans can be short-term and long-term

Within any organisation there may be a range of plans operating. For example, there may be a marketing strategy plan. A long term marketing plan may be used for the financial year or for a particular focused project of the organisation, or type of business. A short term marketing plan may also exist and this may include methods of boosting customers/business.  There may be an overall plan drawing all plans within the organisation together. Planning can be complete, but should always focus on the overall strategy of the organisation to be effective.

It is no good planning and then never carrying out the actions of the plan or reviewing the plans. Plans should be daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, six monthly, yearly, with one, three, five and ten year goals and this applied to various areas to make sure targets are on track and progress is towards goals. Computer planning systems, diaries and Gantt charts are useful for planning and determining progress.


It is important to keep good lines of communication open between different staff, different departments and different organisations who need to know what is going on within the area you manage. Regular staff meetings is one way to do this, regular planning sessions and regular newsletters/emailed updates should help  to keep everyone informed

How Much Control?

Always consider how much control you need. You are running the team, you are the manager, so the final responsibility will stop with you. You as manager, do need to lead and keep control of the team, the organisation, the departments, and the other managers you are in charge of. But being in control does not mean you have to do everything, or that you do not need advice or support. So ensure that you are a good, balanced manager - delegate where necessary or modify equipment, resources or procedures so you can manage well, keep an eye on your own continued professional development as well as that of your team.

With all of the above, it can be hard to organise and plan and maintain control over an organisation, but the main point is to maintain focus on what you are trying to do.  If it all seems overwhelming, break the tasks and activities down into smaller goals and sub targets that are reachable for everyone.  Revise activities at the end of the week to make sure everyone is still on track to the goals.

If you always keep that end goal in your mind, have sub targets and time to reassess and maintain direction and make adjustments that need to be made periodically to keep on track, then what you do should move you and the organisation towards that goal. It is like writing an essay - you should keep your mind on “what information do I need to answer this question?”  What are the chapters or steps in place to reach this and the sub chapters or dot points to achieve along the way. Working as a manager is a similar principle, you should always focus on what you are trying to achieve. 

This is an exceptional course that has a very practical focus; designed top not only teach you the theory of management; but also develop your networking within industry; your awareness of opportunities that are developing, and a self confidence in your own ability to find and develop your own career path in the world of management.


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